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ffxiv red mage guide:best place to buy ffxiv gil

For the sake of this guide I will refer to Red Mage as having two stances; caster stance and melee stance. Even though you can execute melee weaponskills at any time you want, I will refer to melee stance as having at least 80/80 mana.

The priority system for Red Mage is quite simple. Your melee combo is your most potent as far as Potency Per Second (PPS) so that’s always #1 Priority. So it will look like this:

Red Mage Priority Chart
Again, you want to make sure before you enter your melee stance that your Black and White Mana aren’t exactly the same. This ensures you get the Ready Proc after Verflare/Verholy.

Caster Stance

You’ll begin with casting Jolt II. This will trigger Dualcast and proc Impact.
Cast either Verthunder or Veraero, then check for a Ready Proc. If you don’t get a proc, skip to Step 5.
Cast Verfire or Verstone. This will trigger Dualcast again.
Cast the opposite spell from Step 2, and repeat step 3 if you get another Ready Proc.
Cast Impact. You’ll have the Impact proc from step 1. Dualcast will trigger.
Continue alternating Verthunder and Veraero to raise your mana evenly.
Once you have 80/80 mana with one higher than the other, enter melee stance.
Melee Stance

Use Corps-a-corps to jump into melee range.
Enchanted Riposte.
Enchanted Zwerchhau.
Enchanted Redoublement.
Use Displacement to jump back into casting range.
Finish with Verflare if White Mana is higher or Verholy if Black Mana is higher.
You’ll now be back in caster stance with a Ready(how to get best place to buy ffxiv gil. you can come to ssegold) Proc. Just rinse and repeat using your cooldowns and oGCDs as they come up, and that’s all there is to it.