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Yoshida hopes that Final Fantasy XIV Switch

Although Final Fantasy XIV's Yoshida Naoki producer is not already saying it takes Nintendo Switch and Microsoft's Xbox an interesting first MMORPG (released on PC PS3/PS4 and Sony at the end of the game), he likes to be able to collect games All players, no matter what their platform.

In this sense, in last week's E3, Yoshida emphasized that "I want to play as many people as possible" in an interview with VGR. Japanese producers, three game console makers (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft) are acknowledging the "release attempts to cross-function switches and Xbox a title with existing PC and PS4 versions."

They "hope to announce things as soon as possible" is that these are the new requirements for the emergence of the necessary conditions (Final fantasy gil has in-game items that many of our players want to find), and it may never happen given the recent controversy surrounding Fortnite.