Guide to career to play in Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV has a total of 15 jobs, two of which were added to the blood of the storm on June 16. You can play everything with one letter, but you need to use one as the main one, but this is not easy.

In preparation for releasing Stormblood, check all the game's work and tell you what they are doing. Please post in the comments below and let us know what you are most interested in.

Still have to continue with Stormblood to complete all missions of a realm of rebirth and Heavensward's main scenario, please note that it is necessary to pay $25 at Mogu Station. In addition, all of the following images are AF3 armor, and the armor obtained during the initial expansion is very attractive.

Role: Support

Weapons: Star Gloves

It is unique: astrologers can choose from six cards at random, and each card has a buff that can be used by astrologers and comrades. These magic gains are powerful and require knowledge and quick decision-making skills. In addition, after the battle is over, you can switch between the two postures. You can treat it like a white magician, or a preventive therapist like a scholar.

STORMBLOOD new features:

Combust and Malefic will be upgraded to Level 3 and will be upgraded to new spell effects and greater efficiency.
Earth Star (New Skills): Astrologers can influence the ground where they can explode allies and enemies in the affected area. It has more potency after being placed for more than 10 seconds.
Minor Akena (New Skill): Astrologers can turn a card into one of two new cards: Crown (Single Target Damage) and Ms Crown (Single Target Therapy).
Sleeve Draw (New Skill): Astrologers can use Draw, Royal Road, Spread and Minor Arcana to make a spell.
Undraw (new skill): Astrologers can remove cards from their hands.
You must do this job: You like to support it, but you need as many challenging and challenging tactical games as you can.

OLE: Remote DPS

Weapons: Bow

Uniqueness: The bird is the fastest remote damage dealer in the game and can punish the enemy by a series of long-range attacks on the move. You can also play songs with nearby teammates, which is an important element of a serious party.

STORMBLOOD new features:

Flute is used for some songs (visual changes).
Even if enabled, Rangers' Minuet will not create cast time.
Harsh bites (new skills): Bards can obtain new remote poisons.
Nature's Minne: A bird can increase the amount of healing an allies target.
Toughbadour (new skill): Bard can add additional effects to the currently playing song.
You must complete this job (If FF14 Gil has items you don't get, It needs Powerleveling to meet you): You are enjoying agile damage to dealers in remote areas to serve the team.